Mrs. Alex McVeigh Miller
Linn Cove Viaduct Curve
My Pretty Quadroon
From Beadle's Dime Dong Book: A Collection of New and Popular Comic and Sentimental Songs; no. 16, Victory at Last
The Latest Chinese Outrage
From Beadle's Dime Dialect Speaker Serial; no. 23.
Song lyrics from Beadle's Half Dime Singer's Library; no. 41.
New Orleans' Lynchers
A sketch of the New Orleans' lynchers breaking into the prison.
Life of Mary Jemison
New York and Aubrun, Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 1856. Fourth edition.
A Wop
Political Cartoon
The Black Hand Nemesis
Published by Street & Smith, from the New Nick Carter Weekly series, no. 657.
Nick Carter's Well Laid Plot
Published by Street & Smith, from the New Nick Carter Weekly series, no. 656.
Darkie Dan, the colored detective, or, The Mississippi mystery : a romance of the sunny South
Published by Beadle & Adams, from the Beadle's New York dime library series ; vol. XI, no. 134.
Buffalo Bill and the Apache kid, or, Pawnee Bill's winning hand
Published by Street & Smith, from the New Buffalo Bill weekly series ; no. 267.
Beadle's dime song book : a collection of new and popular comic and sentimental songs. no. 16
Published by Beadle and Company, from the Beadle's dime song books series ; no. 16.
The dime dialect speaker : a "taking" collection of Irish, German-English, Cockney, Negro, Yankee and Western vernacular; speeches, recitations and narratives
Published by Beadle and Adams, from the Speaker series ; no. 23.
Pretty Wilhelmina : and sixty other songs
Beadle's half-dime singer's library series ; no. 41.
The serio-comic songster : containing the latest popular comic and sentimental copyright songs, written by the best ballad writers of the day
Published by Beadle and Adams, from the Beadle's dime song books series ; no. 32.
Jack Harkaway and the Italians, or, The brigand's doom
Published by Frank Tousey, from the Five cent wide awake library series ; vol. 2, no. 1234.
Jack Harkaway in New York, or, The adventures of the travelers' club
Published by Beadle and Adams, from the Beadle's half dime library series ; vol. IV, no. 101.
Tiger Dick, the faro king, or, The cashier's crime
Published by Beadle & Adams, from the Beadle's New York dime library series ; vol. III, no. 29.
Maum Guinea, and her plantation "children," or, Holiday-week on a Louisiana estate : a slave romance
Published by Beadle and Company, from the Beadle's dime novels series ; no. 33.
Sam, the office boy, or, The tables turned
Published by Beadle and Adams, from the Beadle's pocket library series.
Dingle, the outlaw, or, The secret slayer
Published by Beadle and Adams, from Beadle's new dime novels series.
Mahaska, the Indian princess
Published by Beadle and Company, from Beadle's dime novels ; no. 63.
The magic washer, manufactured by Geo. Dee, Dixon, Illinois. The Chinese must go
Published by Shober & Carqueville, 1886.