Waitman T. Willey diary entry


Waitman T. Willey diary entry
Waitman T. Willey's diary entry regarding his election to the U.S. Senate, 1863 page 130
Transcription: I think I may be excused in noting the fact here, that my election to the U.S. Senate, was wholly without solicitation on my part, or any of those electioneering and intriguing operations too frequently resorted to by aspirants for office. I, therefore, consider my election as a very great honor. I never approached a single member of the legislature on the subject. And whilst I dare not say the honor was not desired, I can say it was unsolicited. My friends desired and importuned me to go to Wheeling and [canvas] for the election; but I declined to do so, honestly believing that such a course would have compromised my own self-respect, and would have been disrespectful to the legislature. My competitors were not so scrupulous. They were all on the ground and were impertinent, I understand. I pray God, to inspire me with the wisdom and [] courage, which shall enable me to discharge the duties of the position so as best to promote the honor, welfare, and true glory of the country, in these times of perplexity and peril!
Willey, Waitman T. (Waitman Thomas), 1811-1900