Vote for Neely


Vote for Neely
Matthew Mansfield Neely was a native of the state of West Virginia, born on November 9, 1874, in Doddridge County. During the Spanish-American War, Neely served with the First West Virginia Volunteer Infantry. Following the war, he attended West Virginia University to get a law degree. In 1907, Neely was elected Mayor of Fairmont, West Virginia, the beginning of his political career. From 1913 to 1921, Neely began his career in the federal government with four terms as West Virginia's 1st District Representative in the House of Representatives. Following his experience in the House, he began the first of two terms as United States Senator from 1923 to 1929. Neely would eventually again serve in both the Senate and the House of Representatives following his term as West Virginia Governor from 1941 to 1945. Neely died in office on January 18, 1958.

This poster for Neely is undated. Neely ran for a Senate seat many times throughout his political career, being successful in 1922, 1930, and 1948. Because it isn't possible to determine exactly which campaign this poster is from, it is necessary to look at other posters from those time periods. Herbert Hoover's presidential re-election campaign posters are of largely the same style as this Neely poster. The gubernatorial campaign poster for Franklin D. Roosevelt in the state of New York is also very similar to Neely's senatorial poster. Based on the common styles of the time period, it is possible that this poster is from one of Neely's campaigns in the 1930s.
Neely, Matthew Mansfield, 1874-1958
Circa 1930s
Matthew Mansfield Neely, Politician, Papers, West Virginia & Regional History Center