Make Jay Rockefeller Senator


Make Jay Rockefeller Senator
John D. Rockefeller IV, better known as Jay, had a very active career in politics, one that is represented and seen through this poster calling for his election to the Senate. Rockefeller was very active in United States politics while serving his state in the Senate. During his 30 years in Congress, Rockefeller proposed several bills. In 1997, he co-authored the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), to help cover medical costs for low-income children. In 2009, he introduced the Cybersecurity Act. He served as the senior U.S. Senator from West Virginia for five years. With one picture of the candidate in the middle of this poster, surrounded by red , white, and blue, and the political slogan, this poster is reminiscent of President Reagan's re-election posters. Without a date, it isn't possible to say for certain which year this poster is from, considering that Rockefeller served in the Senate from 1985 to 2015. However, this poster does not call for Jay Rockefeller's re-election; it says, "Make Jay Rockefeller Senator." This indicates it is from his first senatorial race in 1984, which he won narrowly as a Democrat when the Republican incumbent President Reagan easily won West Virginia. Combined with the similarities between this poster and other posters in of that year, it is quite possible that this poster is from 1984. The slogan, "Make Washington Work for West Virginia," is also effective. It plays on alliteration with the usage of W's to make it memorable.
Rockefeller, John D., IV (John Davison), 1937-
Circa 1984
Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV papers, West Virginia & Regional History Center