Congressman Mollohan Campaign Button


Congressman Mollohan Campaign Button
Campaign button from one of Congressman Robert H. Mollohan's campaigns.
Robert H. Mollohan served nine terms in the U.S. Congress, starting in 1953 and ending in 1982. His House career was interrupted when he ran for Governor against Republican Cecil Underwood in 1956. Underwood defeated him after The Charleston Gazette revealed that he took $20,000 and two cars from a coal operator that stripped land at the Pruntytown reformatory when he was superintendent. "Today, it is not uncommon for candidates for governor to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign money from coal operators, and it's ok," Mollohan said later. During his time in the House, he was instrumental in helping the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Service locate at Bridgeport, and helping pass the Emergency Medical Services Act. As a businessman, he was responsible for developing the Ramada Inn in Morgantown.
Mollohan, Robert H., 1909-1999
Date Unknown
Political Campaigns and Elections Material, West Virginia & Regional History Center