West Virginia Equal Suffrage Association (6)
West Virginia Equal Suffrage Association (5)
West Virginia Equal Suffrage Association (4)
West Virginia Equal Suffrage Association (3)
West Virginia Equal Suffrage Association (2)
West Virginia Equal Suffrage Association Annual Report 1916 Report written by Lenna Lowe Yost for the WV Equal Suffrage Association. Yost describes the referendum efforts in the state and pronounces that a good foundation was created for a future suffrage campaign.
The Ballot is Denied to Women card (2)
Suffrage Postcard
Letter from Eliza D. Armstrong, Pittsburgh Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage
"Win the War: Ratify National Prohibition Amendment Protection for Home Industries" Harvey W. Harmer
Journal of the Senate Excerpt Pages 134 and 135 from the Journal of the West Virginia Senate in 1867. Samuel Young's resolution to strike the word "male" from Section 1, Article 3 of the West Virginia Consitution appears on page 135.
Wheeling Intelligencer Woman Suffrage Edition Special edition of the Wheeling Intelligencer newspaper devoted to woman suffrage.
West Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs Report Pages 20 and 21 of the xxxx Report of the West Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs. At the bottom of page 20, the author notes that a new ally organization had joined the club: the Women's Suffrage League of Wheeling.
Journal of the House of Delegates Excerpt Pages 210-211 of the Journal of the West Virginia House of Delegates. Harvey Harmer's resolution to amend the West Virginia Constitution include woman suffrage appears on page 211.
"Are You Registered For the Election November 5, 1918?"
Republican Election Ticket for Tuesday, November 5, 1918
"Mr. Voter!" Vote Against Woman Suffrage Broadside against woman suffrage printed by the West Virginia Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage based in Charleston, West Virginia.
"Don't Say 'Let Them Vote if They Want To'" Flyer printed by the West Virginia Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage.
"We Oppose Woman Suffrage" Flyer printed by the West Virginia Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage.
Woman Suffrage Amendment Votes by County List showing number of votes for and against the woman suffrage referendum in each county in West Virginia/
West Virginia Suffrage Amendment Voter Analysis Breakdown of voters in West Virginia during 1916 woman suffrage referendum.
Financial Assistance and Vote Analysis for "Suffrage First" Campaign in West Virginia
Publicity Plans for "Suffrage First" Campaign in West Virginia
Expense Report of "Suffrage First" Campaign in West Virginia
"Why Not Go The Limit?" Illustration Cartoon from Puck Magazine. Each issue of the humor magazine Puck had a colorful cover as well as a centerfold that tackled prominent issues. Among the most popular of these centerfolds appeared in the March 18, 1908 issue. Noted magazine illustrator, Harry Grant Dart was contracted by Puck’s editors to create a centerfold dedicated to satirizing the Women’s Suffrage Movement. Dart’s illustration took women out of the home and placed them in a bar, smoking, drinking, betting and gambling, just like their husbands, with bewildered children in tow. This must have been shocking indeed for the male readers of Puck but perhaps instead of satirizing women’s rights, to our modern-day eyes, this centerfold places women on an equal footing with men. Not only do women enjoy habits traditionally recognized as those more common to men of that era, but the bar itself crosses the gender line with a woman as owner.