Miners' Children and Miner in front of their Tent during the Ludlow Strike Miners' Children and Miner in front of their Tent during the Ludlow Strike
Union Miners Evicted by Liberty Fuel Company Miners and their belongings line the street below company houses.
Evicted Coal Miner Picture of an evicted coal miner with his belongings.
Striking Miners and their Families People are mingling between the barracks.
Coal Company Building Surrounded by Houses, Itmann. W. Va. Coal town with Company building in the center. Sign on front of building says 'Safety The First Consideration.'
Gulf Smokeless Coal Company, Tams, W. Va., Winding Gulf District Picture taken from West Virginia Review, Vol. 4, Oct. 1926 - Sept. 1927. Article, 'The Winding Gulf Coal Fields' by C.H. Mead, April 1927 issue. Picture is on page 212.
Children of the Continental Settlement at Cassville, W. Va. Three boys standing in front of houses.
Family in Scott's Run, W. Va. Unidentified family with their pet in front of a house in Scott's Run, W. Va.